Thank you to everyone who sent up prayers on Emerson's behalf. He did a WONDERFUL job with no food last night. (I know...I am still in shock too!!!!) Our other three were great about not eating around him. Max came up with the plan that he would watch and play with Emerson in the playroom while the girls ate. Then, he, Ron, and I ate after Emerson went to bed. Max is such a thoughtful, smart boy!!!!
We got up a tad earlier than usual this morning as we had to be at the hospital by 6:45. His procedures were scheduled for 8 and they were done by 8:45. Thank God, they did not find anything of major concern. They will get back to us soon with the biopsy results. They are thinking at this time that we may just end up putting him on some prescription medicines for about a month. As Ron puts it, they will nuke whatever is inside his intestines and give him a fresh start.

Here is a picture of him on the way home. He is actually smiling. I am sure he was happy to have a cup of juice, access to food, and his comfy pj's! He is off playing now. He is doing much better. He was complaining of a sore throat by whimpering and holding his throat; but, he has not done that since earlier. Ice cream tends to help such aches and pains. :) He points to his hand every now and then where they stuck him. He probably will for months and I am not exaggerating. He does not forget! He still points to spots where they have drawn blood awhile ago. Poor kiddo!
Again, thank you for all the prayers and help that was provided!!!!