We found a cab and were on our way to see the big mouse. (We had to keep telling Emerson on the train that Mickey was still sleeping. He just could not wait to get there!) The line was long to get in of course. I do believe that this is just practice for the lines for the rides though. We found the lockers to store all the train entertainment (DS's and Leapsters) and our sweatshirts that we had to wear due to the early morning chill. While I lathered everyone up with sunblock, Ron went on the hunt for coffee. With caffeine secure in hand, we wandered towards the castle which was extremely small. It reminded us a lot of the one in Hong Kong.

We had our family pic taken and then headed for the Buzz Lightyear ride. This is usually one of Veronica's faves; however, she was scared to death this time. I am wondering if she just was a little tired. Maybe, she needed a cup of Joe too. :) The Pirates of the Caribbean surprised us with two hills rather than one as we are accustomed to. For somebody who does not like roller coasters at all, this was not enjoyed. :) Sydney, Emerson, and I were sitting in the front row of the boat and saw the "big" hill coming. Knowing that there was no way out other than down, was terrifying to me. I put my arms across the kiddos, buried my head, and down we went. Veronica loved this one although she normally does not care for the ride. She is a gal of mystery. She was so excited about being able to go on the roller coaster ride over in Toon Town with Max and Ron.

Star Tours was popular with the family. Emerson and I did not go on it due to him not being quite up to their height requirements. I have to laugh every time I see the Yoda shirt that says "Judge me by my size, do you?" It is perfect for our little guy (other than the price tag of $25!).When we sat down for dinner, we realized we had to chow and run. The last train out of there was going to be arriving way too early for our liking. We took whatever food was left, packed it up, and practically ran through Downtown Disney to find a cab. We made it back to the train station only to find out the train was going to be late. I thought trains ran like clockwork. Oh, well.

The kids did not have a difficult time waiting for the train. :) It was tough keeping Emerson awake the whole way back; but, we had to. We were so afraid if we didn't, he would be the only one awake in the hotel room. He would even doze off while standing up!!!! Poor kid! We really enjoyed our day at Disney. It was especially fun to compare this one to the others we have visited. Thank you, Ron. for agreeing to go. (He says he did not really have a choice anyways. Hee, hee.)
We had our family pic taken and then headed for the Buzz Lightyear ride. This is usually one of Veronica's faves; however, she was scared to death this time. I am wondering if she just was a little tired. Maybe, she needed a cup of Joe too. :) The Pirates of the Caribbean surprised us with two hills rather than one as we are accustomed to. For somebody who does not like roller coasters at all, this was not enjoyed. :) Sydney, Emerson, and I were sitting in the front row of the boat and saw the "big" hill coming. Knowing that there was no way out other than down, was terrifying to me. I put my arms across the kiddos, buried my head, and down we went. Veronica loved this one although she normally does not care for the ride. She is a gal of mystery. She was so excited about being able to go on the roller coaster ride over in Toon Town with Max and Ron.
Star Tours was popular with the family. Emerson and I did not go on it due to him not being quite up to their height requirements. I have to laugh every time I see the Yoda shirt that says "Judge me by my size, do you?" It is perfect for our little guy (other than the price tag of $25!).When we sat down for dinner, we realized we had to chow and run. The last train out of there was going to be arriving way too early for our liking. We took whatever food was left, packed it up, and practically ran through Downtown Disney to find a cab. We made it back to the train station only to find out the train was going to be late. I thought trains ran like clockwork. Oh, well.
The kids did not have a difficult time waiting for the train. :) It was tough keeping Emerson awake the whole way back; but, we had to. We were so afraid if we didn't, he would be the only one awake in the hotel room. He would even doze off while standing up!!!! Poor kid! We really enjoyed our day at Disney. It was especially fun to compare this one to the others we have visited. Thank you, Ron. for agreeing to go. (He says he did not really have a choice anyways. Hee, hee.)