Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Feeling a bit emotional today

Ugg...I am not sure whether it is the dreary weather outside, the overwhelming amounts of stuff to be done, the unknown about our dossier and our son, or what, but I am feeling a bit "blue" today. Just one of those days. I figure typing on here and spilling my guts to all of you is cheaper than a therapist. :)

I am bummed because the closer that we get to summer break and the longer we wait to hear about our son the more we are hearing things like "Well, that will be better if you get to go in the summer. The kids will not have to miss school." etc. I know everyone is just trying to be supportive and practical; but, this is so hard to hear. It truly has nothing to do with the people who made this particular comment and/or similar ones as I know they mean nothing by it and honestly, we have thought of this too. So, please if you are one of the people who have made a similar comment, do not feel bad. It really is not you. It is the thought of having to wait and the frustration over having no control. It is just not easy to deal with the thought that our son is over there and we cannot see him and hold him. We do not want to wait to go get him just as we would not want to wait to go pick up Max, Sydney, or Veronica from somewhere. Our child is in a whole different country. Every day is one more day of his life that we are missing, one more day that he is an orphanage, one more day that he is missing out on hugs, kisses, tickles, and giggles from and with his forever family. It hurts that we cannot get to him. Have you read the following quote? It is one of my favorites as I find it so true and right now part of my heart is in a crib far away from us.

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."
-Elizabeth Stone

About a year and a half ago, I painted a vase with this quote and put each of the children's hand prints on there. I was referring to it to copy the quote. Veronica was looking at it. I showed her every one's prints. She asked "Where is Little Bubba's?"

Thank you for reading this if you made it all the way through. I am sorry that I started rambling. Of course, if you found this to be true, you could have simply stopped reading. Hee, hee. :) See I am feeling better already. (My heart still aches though, of course.) However, I have a beautiful daughter waiting to play a game with me. That alone puts a smile on my face and puts sunshine in this cloudy day. May you find a bit of sunshine today too.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you are feeling this way also! It does make me feel a little better that I'm not the only one going through this even though I wish none of us had to.
