Here are some cute pictures from the Easter party at church last Saturday. Although things did not go as planned, the kids do have happy memories I believe. Let's just say, the egg hunt got a little chaotic. The older kids ended up hunting eggs where the middle aged group should have hunted and the middle aged group ended up finding all the little kids' eggs. It was a huge mess by the time I got outside with Veronica. You can imagine the little faces when there were no eggs to be found. :(
I am going to brag about my kiddos here for a moment because I was so extremely proud of them. I had asked Sydney who was one of the middle kiddos to share a couple of her eggs with the daughters of a friend of mine and with Veronica. Next thing I know, she was going around to all the little ones trying to share with them too. Max who was in the older group but stayed where he was suppose to hunt was more than willing to give up A LOT of his eggs so that the little ones could have some to hunt too. He still walked away with a ton as you can see in the picture; but, the majority of that will be shared with his sisters and parents too. :) So, Our Dear Children...thank you for being so wonderful. We love you more than you will ever infinity and beyond! To my sister, Janet, thank you for being the extra set of hands I needed that day since Ron had to work unfortunately. He missed all the fun! On a side note, we do not blame anyone at all for the mix up with the egg hunt. It was just one of those things.

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