Monday, September 20, 2010

Update on Emerson

We are seeing many new and exciting (and honestly some less than exciting behaviors) from our newest addition. Here are some of the things happening in little Emerson's life...

- He loves a book called I Love Colors and is really trying to pronounce the color words.

- He is getting into EVERYTHING just as we would expect a toddler to be doing.

- Everything is going into the mouth these days...even an itty-bitty hoof that had fallen off of one of Veronica's little horses. Ugg!

- Emerson screams as loud as he can, laughs, and then looks around to see if anyone else thinks it is as funny as he does. Sorry, Little Guy, we do not!

- He loves experimenting with drinking out of a regular cup vs. a sippy. Of course, we try this only with water. :)

- He is doing a great job learning how to do the Sign of the Cross and he knows that we say prayer before meals.

- He is not sure what you are supposed to do with play-doh; but, finger painting is kind of cool.

- He is now enjoying baths and loves to help shampoo his hair.

- He really likes to wash his hands now. Quite an improvement from the child who would scream when he even saw something that resembled a restroom.

- He has had his first official cold here in America.

- He now comes to Ma-Ma for kisses and hugs when he gets boo-boos! He really does not cry very much when he does get hurt; but, he rubs the spot and looks to Ma-Ma for comforting. Yippee!!!!

- He is a fan of Formula 1. (Guess who added that one!)

- He likes to go upside down now.

- He does great transitioning from room to room, upstairs to downstairs, etc. On his Gotcha Day, we were told he does not do well with these types of transitions.

- He is so proud of himself when he climbs up and down the stairs. (Don't worry- we hold his hand.)

- He does somersaults occasionally...much to Ma-Ma's dismay!

- He is very interested in Enzo the Kitty...much to Enzo's dismay!

- He is a bottomless pit, but has hardly gained any weight.

- At times, he acts as if we just fed him a bowl of sugar. He becomes such a wild man.

- He can throw a serious temper tantrum if he does not get his way; but, we have not seen one of his famous seat drops in awhile though.

- He loves to be tickled.

- He waves to say "thank you".

- We think he may be part Italian as much as he uses his hands. :) He even raises his hand up as if he is saying, "What the hell?!" (He gets his temper from his daddy.)

- He still covers his face with his sleeve and arm; but, he no longer rocks himself to sleep.

- He no longer raises his arms to be lifted up by every other person walking by him.

- He has adjusted very well to the schedule that we call life here in our home.

- Sometimes, it sounds like he is singing.

- He has learned to pull a stool over to the basement door (play room) to reach the door knob. Thank God, he has not realized the stool cannot be up against the door when he tries to open it. Time for gates?!

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