Epcot...here we come!!!!

We loved the Toy Story topiaries. Emerson is upset that Mommy was not holding him. Not starting off well!

Love the picture! I am trying to point to the camera and Emerson is pointing to the exit. The lack of a real nap the day before is catching up with us already. Max, Sydney, and Veronica did a great job cooperating for the picture.

Love this picture of the brothers bonding while waiting to get in The Rose and Crown Pub for lunch.

The girls are taking a break. They were looking at the fish and hunting for small lizards.

Yippee...a family picture!

Gotta love Germany!

These were neat, but not quite the same as seeing the real thing.

Here are my favorite topiaries!!!! Thanks for the bunny ears, Max!

Emerson fell asleep sitting up in the booster seat at dinner. We figured Mommy's arms would be more comfortable. Poor, Baby!

Sydney loves belly dancing now that she had this lesson at dinner.

Sydney found "Tink"!

Daddy and Veronica had fun playing together before heading back to the hotel.
Great family pic!