Oh, boy! This promises to be a trying few days for us. Emerson is scheduled for both an endoscopy and a colonoscopy this Wednesday. So, without giving too many of the gory details, he started his meds yesterday to clear his little system. Did I mention that he started using the potty not too long ago? So, he is insistent that he should still use the potty when we much prefer the comfort of knowing he is in a diaper. I should note here that he still wears diapers/pull-ups at this point on a regular basis. We have to watch him though because he knows how to take them off.
On top of all that fun, he needs to go to an all clear liquid diet starting at noon tomorrow until his tests on Wednesday. (We will not know the time of that until sometime tomorrow.) It is going to be beyond horrendous as this child eats constantly!!!! I am going to have to figure out how to sneak food to the older three. Max and Sydney are usually famished after school. Veronica likes to have access to food constantly too. I am not sure what we are going to do about dinner tomorrow night!
Emerson tends to whine...ugh...when he is not getting his way. Should be fun! Wish us luck and say a little prayer...
11 years ago
Yikes! I can't imagine! Good luck w the diet.