Sydney and I had a wonderful time together going to see a movie, eat a treat, and do a little shopping. Perfect girls' day out, huh?! We were planning on seeing the Judy Moody Not Bummer Summer movie. However, we decided it must have been a "bummer" of a movie as it was showing at only local theater at ONE time only. It was not a time that we could go; so, we had to come up with a plan b. So, we went to see Monte Carlo instead. It seemed to be for older kids; but, we still enjoyed it and had fun talking about it. I still refer to it on occasion with her. One of my favorite parts during the whole movie was when she snuggled up to me. Oh, so sweet!!!! After the movie, we went to the Cheesecake Factory for...well...cheesecake. Imagine that. :) Ron does not like cheesecake and out of all the kids, I knew Sydney would be the one who
might enjoy it. After we had our fill, we went shopping and she helped me pick out a new purse.

She chose a red velvet cheesecake. Look at that smile!!!!

I love how she is just so relaxed. She even mentioned on the way home how nice the evening was without the fighting, whining, etc. that we usually have going on at our house. She needed this time out with just Mom. (Mom enjoyed it too!)

Just for kicks and grins, I took a picture of my pineapple upside down cheesecake. It was just so pretty and delicious too.
Girl after my own heart!