I am only blogging about the sickness and pains in our family again so that in the years to come we will see how rough this winter has been for our crew. I have even lost track as to which ones I have mentioned already and I am sure I have missed a sniffle or two. :) Trust me, we do count our blessings that we do not have more serious issues to deal with than these. We know these are just minor inconveniences for sure.
Emerson went to the dentist to have some cavities repaired. That was fun...not! We have to keep those little teeth as healthy as possible as he needs everything to be ready for his gum and teeth surgery (from the cleft) here in a few years. He had been complaining of pain prior to the visit; so, I had them take a look around at the appointment. They said he does have a tooth that is only partially through the gum and it is red and swollen. Poor kiddo. They gave me a small syringe to squirt water on the area. He has not really complained about that area too much now that I have a way to help him. Go figure. He says it is better and now is saying the other side hurts. Ugh!
I took Veronica to the doctor a while ago only to discover she had a double ear infection. We started treatment. A few days later, she woke up, seemed fine, and all of sudden she started screaming and crying. We were in the process of getting the other three ready for school. So, we got to the school, dropped off the oldest two and sat while we waited for Emerson's dropoff time. Unfortunately, Veronica was still crying and screaming, this was two hours later. As soon as the office opened, I called our nurse. She got us in to see a doctor. Poor Emerson had a hard time understanding why he could not go to school; but, I had to get Veronica in as soon as I could. It turned out that the meds were only working on one of the her ears and not the other. She had to get a stronger medication. Poor girl. She had a well visit scheduled to get her immunizations for kindergarten. We had to reschedule that since you cannot get the shots when on meds. When we did make it to the well visit, her ears were still not back to normal. The doctor said we could go ahead if we wanted; but, he would not if she were his child. We are scheduled to go back this week to have her ears checked before going on spring break. He will let us know if she needs to go on some meds before flying. Oh, I hope she does not have ear problems on the plane. I know how much that can hurt!!!!
Sydney ended up with strep recently. That is always fun. Plus, I got a call from the school nurse this past week. She said that Sydney had been in her office for about a half an hour with a stomachache. They called with only two hours left of school. This is such a terrible time because the littles and I are eating lunch and getting ready for nap/quiet time. Plus, by the time, I get the three of us out the door and to the school, there is no time to come home before it is time to pick up Max. (We do not live right in the vicinity of the school.) There was no convincing her to stay at the school for this last little bit. Thankfully, Ron was able to leave work in time to get Max. This meant I could pick her up and come home rather than sit in the parking lot. Thank you, Ron! She was miraculously better when it was time to go to Max's Boy Scout ceremony and out to get ice cream to celebrate (more on this later). I still cannot figure out what had caused her "stomachache". We had a talk about how I am more than happy to pick her up if she truly is sick; but, it is not fair to everyone else who has to rearrange their schedule if she is just not in the mood to be at school. The joys of parenting. :)
Not long after Sydney was diagnosed with Strep, Max started getting sick too. After taking him to the doctor for a Strep test, we were told he just had a virus. I never thought I would say I wanted one of our kids to have strep; but, I was really hoping for it in this case. At least if he did, he would have been able to get a prescription to feel better quickly.
We got a notification from the school that a child in the preschool/pre-k room had been diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia this past week. I am thinking of going ahead and scheduling appointments at the doctor's office now...
11 years ago
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