Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Yippee...summer is here!!!!

It is time to...

ride bikes,

climb trees,

play in the sand box,

and play in water.
Hope you are enjoying your summer too!!!!


  1. Looks like we've been up to some of the same things just a little cooler here! Enjoy your summer!!

  2. Hi My name is Jenna
    Your kids are beautiful princesses, handsome prince’s, cute blessings, special earthly angels, and precious gifts and miracles.
    Sounds like the kids had a wonderful Summer and lots of fun!
    I was born with a rare life threatening disease, developmental delays, and 14 other medical conditions.

    Here is a new poem I wrote, it’s called it takes courage:
    It Takes courage to love
    Like a dove
    It takes courage to fight,
    It takes courage to do what’s right
    It takes courage to stay strong,
    When things go wrong
    It takes courage to write a song
    It takes courage to live
    It takes courage to give
    It takes courage to fight this beast
    It takes courage to be brave
    It takes courage to smile and wave
    It takes courage to keep positive
    Keep on fighting!
    It takes courage to win!
