Well, here we are at the end of another summer. Where did it go? The two older kiddos begin school on Monday. I am going to miss them; but, I am excited for them too. At the beginning of each summer, I ask the children to come up with some things that they want to be sure to do over their break. A couple of things Max came up with were making slime and camping out. We were able to do both of those. The kids loved playing with the slime. We eventually moved that activity outdoors. :) We camped out last weekend in our backyard. We only made it one night though. Boy was everyone cranky the next day! We, also, discovered that Ron is not quite as young as he once was. (Love you, Honey!) He did not have nearly as many aches and pains the summer he spent at Philmont guiding campers and camping out every night. One of the things that Sydney wanted to do this summer was bake cakes for each of the kids and let them decorate them however they wanted. It may be last minute; but, we did that yesterday. We ended up making just one simple cake and dividing it into thirds. I gave them a tub of whipped topping and they got out a ton of sprinkles. They went to town! Max gave his a name..."Gotta Have Sprinkles". That is his cake in the picture below. Their cakes are just covered with sprinkles. I finally had to say enough. One can get a sugar high just looking at them. Veronica discovered that she can lick her elbow when there is whipped topping on it! Gotta love our babies! They had a blast doing this and it was fun to watch them. I think Sydney enjoyed tasting her cake as much as she did decorating it.

On the adoption front, I had my physical on Monday and have the bruise to prove it. I always bruise when I have blood drawn. The nurse even apologized when she saw it a few days later. We are just waiting for the doctor to finish his part of the paperwork and then we will have to take a notary with us to have the paperwork signed and notarized. Ron has his physical scheduled for August 31. We had our third visit with our social worker, Therese, on Tuesday. She came to our house this time and met our children. The children did a wonderful job talking with her. Sydney even drew a picture for her while I was being "interviewed". Veronica was taking a nap when Therese first arrived; but, surprisingly, Veronica warmed up to her before she left. You see, Veronica is not an after nap kind of girl. We were afraid that she would be cranky the whole time. However, she, along with the other two, enjoyed showing Therese around the house. We believe that all went well. Therese is going to put our home study together soon, hopefully. Then, it will be a lot of hurry up and wait as we try to get our paperwork finalized, sent to AWAA (our agency) and then off to China. We are trying to hurry Lil' Bubba!
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