Monday, August 31, 2009

MotoGP and Secret Princess Meetings

Max and I had a chance to go to the MotoGP motorcycle races yesterday in Indianapolis and had an awesome time! We woke up early and left to go pick up our friends Mike and Mark for a fun day at the Speedway. It was a bit chilly and felt more like late September than late August. We had fun on the drive over talking about fun boy things like Star Trek (The 2nd movie is the best but the new one could be a challenger!) other cool TV shows, fast cars and fast women (just kidding, Julie!) Max got a kick out of a "trick" we played on Mike and Mark when we pretended to have mailed their tickets to the race to them when we really had them with our tickets. This was about 1 hour away from Columbus so that made it even better.

We made great time and walked to our seats after getting some programs, ticket holders and selling our two extra seats. There was a breeze which made it chillier than we'd have liked, but nothing like the hurricane winds last year so no complaints. Our seats were 3 rows from the top, and at a motorsports event, the higher the better. This also gave us the advantage of shade and the sun was at our backs, so couldn't have been much better. We all enjoyed munching on the snacks we brought through the course of the day.

To sum up MotoGP, these guys are crazy! Check out the leaning they do through the corners and imagine doing that on some of the fastest motorcycles on the planet! Very cool stuff indeed, but we all still like watching Formula 1 better. ;)

While at the track Julie and I stayed in touch via text pages and a few camera phone emails from the track. We learned that the girls were having a secret princess meeting and that Enzo and Zeus were honored to become knights and we missed it all! I also learned this morning that they had a mission to complete at Dairy Queen, so they had a good time, too.

The drive home from Indy is always a long one as we're all tried from the fun at the Speedway and thankfully it was uneventful. Mike slept for a while and snored to Max's enjoyment and we all talked and spotted various cool cars on the way home. Both Mike and Mark were impressed with Max's traveling skills though it was no surprise to his proud Dad that he was an awesome traveler. He's been around the world with more adventures to come so a few hour drive to Indy is a walk in the park. :)

I have my physical today so hopefully that goes well though I am more nervous about this than I am for any presentation I've given or test I've taken. I don't like Drs. they always tell you stuff you don't want to hear. :(

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