Here is the whole crew out helping rake the yard...some more than others. :)
Just a reminder you can go out to our blog @ if you want to actually see the pics we post. We know several of you just receive the e-mails, which is fine too.

Sydney is helping Mommy...until she gets tired and wanders off to play. :)

Here are the piles. These are only some of the ones out front, not to mention all of them in the back and on the sides. Ugg! We are paying for all that rain we had recently.

Here are the piles. These are only some of the ones out front, not to mention all of them in the back and on the sides. Ugg! We are paying for all that rain we had recently.
I then went out to to find out more. I hope you will too!
Now, off to take a nap. After all, it is Sunday!
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