They did it! Ron and Sydney finally got that stubborn tooth out of her mouth in the nick of time. Sydney had this shark look going on for a little while. She had a big tooth growing up behind her baby teeth. At her dental appointment last week, she was told that her baby tooth needed to come out or they would pull it this week at her appointment. Yes, she had another appointment. Fun summer, huh? :) When one tooth was coming in, it developed a small pocket which they were afraid would cause a cavity later on. They just wanted to fill it in and then put sealants on others. So, back to the original story, the idea of having to have the dentist pull the tooth was a tad worrisome to her since she was unsure as to how they would do it. (On a side note, her big brother did not help calm her very much in this area!) Sydney was so brave and let her dad pull it instead. They worked and worked on it Tuesday evening. She was so sweet because she did not want to scream as Veronica was already asleep. In her words, she just let out a few "eeks". :) She did such an amazing job and we are very proud of her! I know you want to see pictures. Hee, hee.
the spot and the big tooth
getting ready for the Tooth Fairy

$2.00 Yippee!!!!
Sydney, congratulations!!!! You are such a big girl!!!! We love you!!!!