Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happy Father's Day

We decided that we would not buy gifts this year for Mother's Day or Father's Day. As you know we are saving up for a big trip. :) So, the kids and I thought we would take a moment to brag about Ron on our blog just as a reminder to him how much he means to each one of us. (I had each child tell me away from the others what they wanted to say.)

Julie- Happy Father's Day! You are a wonderful husband and father. I cannot imagine my life without you. You are proof that "Dreams do come true!" You are an amazing person...caring, loving, hard-working, dedicated, so darn intelligent and much, much more. THANK YOU for all that you have done for all of us!

Max- "He is really nice. It is fun geocaching with him. It is fun playing games with him. I like how he helps me with Cub Scout stuff. I liked doing putt-putt with him that one time. It is fun when he makes us pull weeds...NOT!"

Sydney- "I love him. He is the best that I could ever have. I love him so much and I know he loves me too."

Veronica- "We love you. We love you so much."

Lil' Bubba- "Wo Ai Ni and xiexie!" (Okay, Julie is improvising here since unfortunately Lil' Bubba is not home yet. Translated..."I love you and thank you!")

Enzo- "I meow you, too! Now, go feed me."

Zeus- "I ruv you! Do you ruv me?"

Happy Father's Day to all dads out there!

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