This morning, we...

played on the swing set,
climbed trees, (Can you find two kiddos?),
discovered a birds' nest,

got pictures of some of "our" frogs, (There are four in this picture. Do you see them?)
took pictures by the trees so we can watch them and the kiddos grow over the years,

practiced riding with only two wheels,

checked out bugs,

played frisbee,

chewed on sticks, (Okay, only one of us did this. Hee, hee!)

ate popscicles,

made pictures with sidewalk chalk,

made "Do not cross!" signs with the chalk,

made a colorful castle with the chalk,

squished Bubba,

and cried when it was realized that the coffee cup was empty. (Okay, only one of us did this too. Can you guess which one? Hee, hee!)
Hope you had a great morning too!
awww how is she doing with the two wheels? See it is better this way - there isn't an Aunt Janet passed out behind the bike :)