During my sister's vacation, we took the four kiddos to see some critters. It is actually a really neat place where you ride around on a bus and see animals that you normally would not see at least not around our home. Some of them even come right up to the bus. It is a couple of hours away; but, it was worth the trip to spend some quality time with Aunt Janet. Granted after having spending over 4 hours in the car with my children without any form of electronics, I think my sister has resigned herself to never having children. Ha, ha! :) (That is a nervous laugh if you cannot tell. I really would like some nieces and nephews on my side...when the time is right of course.) I had taken our Ipad with us; but, I decided to show them that they could do a car trip without having to use electronics. Wow, how did our parents do it?! I should mention here, in all fairness, we were not in our van. We ended up driving Ron's car since the van was in the shop. So, the kids did not have all their magazines, books, etc. that they keep in the van. We just did not think about it. Poor Janet having to be there during my experiment! The funny thing was that the youngest two did much better than the older two. Max and Sydney were sooooooooo loud. I am not sure why it worked out that way. Anyways, here are some pictures of the wild animals...the ones we took with us and the ones we saw there. :)

Max and Emerson were excited to see the animals.

The girls are ready to spend a fun day with Aunt Janet and Mommy.

Look how close those cool camels are!!!!

Sydney made a friend. This wild horse was actually trying to get in the door.

The kids enjoyed feeding these huge catfish (the black blobs) and the swans. The catfish grossed me out. I am not a water person and do not care for most things that are in the water. Then, there is my sister who wanted to take one home as a pet. Ick!

I LOVED seeing the giraffes. They are so strange looking yet so beautiful!
It was a great...yet exhausting...day. It was a nice little day trip. Thanks for the great idea Janet and thanks for putting up with us! :)
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