Veronica and I spent the day together on July 16. We started with brunch at Bob Evan's.

She and Ta-ta (her teddy) waited patiently for the food. I think Ta-ta even took a little nap.

She cracked me up as she flipped through each page of the dessert menu saying "Mmm, that looks good."

That is such a big meal for such a little girl. She was not quite able to finish it. Cannot blame her as she knew popcorn was next on the agenda. Off to the movies...

As a special treat, she got a frozen drink at the movie theater.

We had been waiting all summer for the Winnie the Pooh movie to come out. We knew that was the one we would go see together on our special day. I loved holding her during the movie! It was so cute because she had even wrapped her feet around the back of my legs. It was very sweet cuddling with her. She was soooooooo tired by the time the movie was finished! I was hoping to find one of those big cardboard displays that they sometimes have of the movies. All they had for Pooh was this poster. You should have seen me trying to convince sleepy head to get a picture in front of the poster. (In hindsight, I wish I had thought to have asked someone to take a picture of us together. I could have held her then.) I finally convinced her by telling her she could have her eyes closed. It worked. :)
I love the time that we got to spend together. I treasured every minute I had on each of the special days with the kiddos. Memories to be treasured always.
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