Here we are visiting with one of Santa's elves. It is clearly not the big guy himself. You can tell by looking at the white tennis shoes sticking out under the black. Our children look for such clues. They understand that Santa has helpers because he cannot be everywhere at once. We think we did get to visit with Santa himself later in the season though. :)

Although I miss the children being itty bitty, it is nice having helpers!

It was a real treat to meet Chinese author, Grace Lin. We bought several of her books to get autographed. Very nice lady!

Here he is. We think this is THE Santa. He has black boots AND his belt buckle says "Santa". What more proof do we need?! I do have to put here though that Santa did make Veronica cry(The pictures came first, obviously.). She was looking around and he asked her to look at him while talking. She is super sensitive; so, this sent her into tears. He was nice and asked if there was anything he could say to make it better. There was not. The damage was done. :(

Max had his first and possibly last Christmas band concert. He is doing so well learning to play the trumpet; but, he says he does not like it. Bummer! Both Ron and I were in the band and were hoping he would enjoy it too. I have to say I teared up at the concert. I am such a sap! Wouldn't our high school band director be proud? :)

I love this picture of Veronica singing at her Christmas program. She makes such an adorable Rudolph.

On Christmas morning, the children were greeted by Frosty who brought them their Christmas present from us.
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