Can you believe the little man (aka Lil' Bubba) above has changed and grown into the little man below. He has changed so much! So adorable!

For his birthday we invited a couple of his friends from school. His theme was snowmen/Frosty. My step-father's mom and dad (Diane and Larry) had given Emerson a stuffed Frosty for Christmas which plays the song too. It was a huge hit! It only made sense to have that as his theme. Little did we know that God was going to decorate the outside to go along with the theme. Unfortunately, although beautiful, this made it a challenge for us. We opted not to make the cupcakes until the morning of the party because the weathermen made it sound like the white death was going to come upon us. I certainly did not want that many cupcakes around if we did not have others here to help us eat them! His party was at 10; so, it became a challenge to get them together before everyone showed up. For awhile it seemed like nobody was going to make it; but, some did venture over to our house. Thank God everyone stayed safe! Sam was not able to make it anyways because his big brother had a game that morning. Luke ended up not coming because he lives too far away to have taken the chance with the roads. Roman still came as did Mary. So, I am grateful to them for helping us celebrate Emerson's big day.

They did crafts.

played snowball games (Emerson is on his way to get his friends with snowballs-cottonballs.)

ate and drank (Here is what their milk looked like. They, also, had snowman shaped sandwiches. They had snowman arms-pretzels, snowman noses- carrots, and snowman smiles- orange segments.)

I think these turned out pretty cute for having had to put them together so quickly.
Emerson had a wonderful time. He and his sibs played with those "snowballs" for a long time afterwards too. I am glad we had another fun birthday party. I love putting those smiles on their faces. :)
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