11 years ago
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
As I was driving yesterday, I saw a billboard that was educating us about the high obesity rate in our country. I wanted to scream. Do people not see how we are doing this to ourselves?! On Tuesdays, the littles and I go out to eat for lunch as there is not much time in between picking Emerson up from school and when Veronica has dance. Veronica wanted to go to this relatively new Italian restaurant in town. We had been there a couple times before; so, we started talking about what she wanted for lunch. She wanted the mac-n-cheese (of course- what child doesn't?). I started thinking about it and the fact that it comes with a side of...ready for this?...french fries? Where are the veggies? fruit, anyone? The meal is simply mac-n-cheese, french fries, and a fountain drink. I told Veronica she could get the mac-n-cheese if she wanted it; but, I was going to ask for salad or fruit to replace the fries. She was perfectly a-ok with that. So, I did and the gal said that would be fine; but, she would have to charge us more. She said it would probably be about a dollar more because the fries are more like a garnish. What? The fries are a garnish? Thank God, we can afford to pay the extra to get the healthier food for our children; but, what about the families who cannot? They end up with fries! Trust me, I like fries; but, I do try to teach the children that they should eat healthier food. Okay back to our lunch. Fine...not a problem...charge me extra to feed my children a healthier side. I about fell over when I saw the salads they brought out for my two inky-dinky kiddos. They each received one that was the same size as my salad! I thought they would be the replacement "garnish" not an entire meal. (Quite the bargain for the extra money we paid; but, I still do not think they understood my point.) They could have saved themselves some food/money as I was certainly not expecting full size salads. Plus, they brought out way too much salad dressing. They brought out a small bowl for each of them; but, we probably only used 1/4 to 1/2 of one of them. That was for both kids total. I try not to complain too much. (I am not sure that Ron would agree with that statement. LOL!) I just could not get past the irony of seeing the obesity sign and thinking about restaurant servings. Our children are not going to eat healthy if we do not teach them how to do so! By the way, Veronica much preferred the salad over the mac-n-cheese. (Yippee!!!!) Stepping off my soapbox now...
Monday, February 27, 2012
Oh, shoot!
What is wrong with these pictures?
Answer---It is February and there is no snow on the ground! We have had the oddest weather this Winter. I guess, I should have asked, "What is right with these pictures?" since I much prefer not to be cold. Even though the temperature was unusually warm, the poor kiddos still did not get to stay out as long as they would have liked. Momma got cold and when Momma gets cold, time is up. :)
Sunday, February 26, 2012
All Boy
Emerson has definitely turned into a rough and tumble little boy. He loves wrestling around with any and all of his siblings. He will take them on in a heartbeat. This first picture is not a boo-boo received from a wrestling match though, but rather from a stumble over the step in our family room...at least, I think. He told me his toes hurt; but, he never mentioned his face. Later, I saw this scratch on his face. It is not too bad...just a mystery.

This "gash" in his head is from playing around with Sydney. They were rough housing and he stumbled and hit his head on part of the staircase.
This "gash" in his head is from playing around with Sydney. They were rough housing and he stumbled and hit his head on part of the staircase.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
11 years old already?!
Oh, my goodness! I cannot believe this little fella is 11 years old already. I remember sitting around video taping Max just swinging in his little indoor baby swing and doing all those adorable little things that babies do. Time sure did move a lot slower back then. I actually could just sit there and savor every little movement our first born made.
It is so much fun watching him develop into the wonderful young man that he is becoming. We are so very proud of him!!!!

So, after much thought, Max decided on a military birthday party theme. He could not decide between that and Angry Birds. I have to say this was probably the easiest birthday cake I have ever made. :) We still had the other half of Sydney's chocolate chip birthday cake in the freezer. Max was more than willing to use it for his. As for the frosting, we made a basic buttercream and colored it. Max and I had fun decorating it at the same time which I think helped give it that camo look.
So, after much thought, Max decided on a military birthday party theme. He could not decide between that and Angry Birds. I have to say this was probably the easiest birthday cake I have ever made. :) We still had the other half of Sydney's chocolate chip birthday cake in the freezer. Max was more than willing to use it for his. As for the frosting, we made a basic buttercream and colored it. Max and I had fun decorating it at the same time which I think helped give it that camo look.
Three (Gabe, Alex, and Truman) out of his guests were able to spend the night. Unfortunately, Justin had to leave at 10 that night. They gave such great gifts. Gabe gave him a Nerf gun that he had been wanting. Alex gave him a model military helicopter to put together. Truman gave him a $25 gift card to GameStop. Justin gave him a $20 gift card to a local movie theater. The homemade cards were wonderful and thoughtful too!!!! There were a lot of Nerf wars, video game playing, and lots and lots of noise. We definitely think they were louder than the girls at Sydney's party. All of the boys had been sick over the past week or so. We had said up front that they needed to try to go to bed at a "decent" time, 12 or 12:30. They were so good about coming up at midnight on their own to get their sleeping bags, etc. They went down and started to watch TRON and that was that. I did wake up to them at 6:30. (We found out later that all four of them woke up at 6 and someway, somehow Gabe fell back to sleep. I am not sure how he did that with the others being loud around him.) I was surprised they were up so early. I quickly got ready for the day and headed downstairs to get this spread together....
The boys REALLY seemed to like the homemade, top your own doughnuts. The fruit was not very popular with them; but, I am proud to say that our four did chow down on it too. :)
Well, that is the last of our birthday parties until the end of the year. Phew...we made it!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Happy Mardis Gras/Fat Tuesday/Pancake Day!!!!
We had a yummy dinner of pancakes smothered in a variety of toppings...butter, syrup, bananas, strawberries, chocolate chips, coconut, nuts and/or whipped cream. Delicious! :)
Illness update- again
Ugh! Will the bugs ever end?! Veronica saw the doctor yesterday. She does have mucus in her chest and a double ear infection. Poor baby!
Sydney woke up during the night Sunday to Monday vomiting again. Luckily, that was a one time deal; but, it left a huge impression. Let's just say the girls share a bunk bed with Sydney being on the top bunk. It was like poor Veronica was in the "splash zone" at Sea World. I am not sure how Veronica did it; but, she slept through the entire incident. I was even shining a huge flashlight and pulling her quilt and a blanket off the top of her. Go figure! Thank God, Sydney seemed fine on Monday and had the day off from school (President's Day) just to recoup completely...we hope!
Here's to healthier days ahead!
Sydney woke up during the night Sunday to Monday vomiting again. Luckily, that was a one time deal; but, it left a huge impression. Let's just say the girls share a bunk bed with Sydney being on the top bunk. It was like poor Veronica was in the "splash zone" at Sea World. I am not sure how Veronica did it; but, she slept through the entire incident. I was even shining a huge flashlight and pulling her quilt and a blanket off the top of her. Go figure! Thank God, Sydney seemed fine on Monday and had the day off from school (President's Day) just to recoup completely...we hope!
Here's to healthier days ahead!
Friday, February 17, 2012
Sydney's First Reconciliation
Oh, what a beautiful time this was. Ron was planning on attending the ceremony with us; but, unfortunately, he was not able due to that darn bug. He and the littles stayed home.
The children processed down the aisle. Sydney got to carry the small clay cross that they each had put their fingerprint on. After all the children had reached the front of the church, they sang the song "Come to my Heart, Lord Jesus". So sweet! They then sat down with the parents as some of the children did some readings. The children were then directed to either the confessional or the blocked off cry room to participate in their first confessions. After doing penance, the children rejoined their parents for a picture in front of the altar. They each received a certificate. It was all wonderful!
Sydney did such a great job and did not seem the least bit scared. I could learn something from her!
It was extremely special for me because Sydney was SUPER cuddly with me. I do not get this much anymore...especially in front of her friends. I think she enjoyed the specialness of the day, as well as the one on one time with Mom.
The children processed down the aisle. Sydney got to carry the small clay cross that they each had put their fingerprint on. After all the children had reached the front of the church, they sang the song "Come to my Heart, Lord Jesus". So sweet! They then sat down with the parents as some of the children did some readings. The children were then directed to either the confessional or the blocked off cry room to participate in their first confessions. After doing penance, the children rejoined their parents for a picture in front of the altar. They each received a certificate. It was all wonderful!
Sydney did such a great job and did not seem the least bit scared. I could learn something from her!
It was extremely special for me because Sydney was SUPER cuddly with me. I do not get this much anymore...especially in front of her friends. I think she enjoyed the specialness of the day, as well as the one on one time with Mom.
Illness update- take 2
Alrighty, so this is getting big time old. Ron did end up getting the stomach bug too. Unfortunately, he was on a business trip at the time. He ended up missing all of his meetings that he had scheduled on his last day there and spent the day trying to "survive" in the hotel until his flight home in the evening. Luckily, he was able to get an earlier flight home too.
Max is doing well and has been able to go to school all week.
Sydney is here on the couch with me now. She has been home the past two days as she ended up with the stomach bug and fever too. I am beyond shocked that she was the last one to get it. Last winter, she was the sickest of the crew.
Veronica is still fighting the croupy cough. She is still very active; but, she sounds terrible when she gets too worked up and starts coughing.
Emerson is doing great...knock on wood!
I am doing well except now I think a cold is trying to take hold.
When is Spring?
Max is doing well and has been able to go to school all week.
Sydney is here on the couch with me now. She has been home the past two days as she ended up with the stomach bug and fever too. I am beyond shocked that she was the last one to get it. Last winter, she was the sickest of the crew.
Veronica is still fighting the croupy cough. She is still very active; but, she sounds terrible when she gets too worked up and starts coughing.
Emerson is doing great...knock on wood!
I am doing well except now I think a cold is trying to take hold.
When is Spring?
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Yippee for China!
If you have read more than one of our blog entries, you have realized by now that it is mostly a journal about the day to day activities of our family. Some blogs out there are much, much, much, much "deeper" than this one. Kudos to them for trying to make a difference in the world! Again, we are pretty simple around here. I just want our children to have somewhere to look back and see what our family did. However, I do want to pass along this article. I think it shows a step forward for sure. Orphans already have a stigma. Life is very difficult for those who are never found by their "forever families". Look at these numbers pulled from the article..."About 100,000 children with unidentified parents live in about 900 orphanages and children's homes nationwide, according to ministry statistics." Honestly, this makes me ill. Do you think our house is big enough for 100,000 more children? Those of you who know me, know I would if I could! So, anyways, life is tough for these children; but, then imagine being given a name that identifies you as an orphan. What happens as you get older and leave that orphanage? This is what happened to those poor children. China is trying to ban this! Yippee!!!! Check out the article. Baby steps...
Friday, February 10, 2012
Illness update
Max was able to go to school today; but, the other three stayed home. Sydney seems to be heading in the right direction as she was way more active today than yesterday. Veronica stayed home because she is still really spotted...poor girl. No other symptoms have shown up . She likes her new nickname of "Princess Dot" like the character from the movie Bug's Life. Emerson simply does not have preschool on Fridays. Either way though he seems back to his usual busy little bee self. Thanks be to God! I love having the children home with me; but, I prefer that they be healthy!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
What is wrong with this picture?
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