Wednesday, February 29, 2012


As I was driving yesterday, I saw a billboard that was educating us about the high obesity rate in our country. I wanted to scream. Do people not see how we are doing this to ourselves?! On Tuesdays, the littles and I go out to eat for lunch as there is not much time in between picking Emerson up from school and when Veronica has dance. Veronica wanted to go to this relatively new Italian restaurant in town. We had been there a couple times before; so, we started talking about what she wanted for lunch. She wanted the mac-n-cheese (of course- what child doesn't?). I started thinking about it and the fact that it comes with a side of...ready for this?...french fries? Where are the veggies? fruit, anyone? The meal is simply mac-n-cheese, french fries, and a fountain drink. I told Veronica she could get the mac-n-cheese if she wanted it; but, I was going to ask for salad or fruit to replace the fries. She was perfectly a-ok with that. So, I did and the gal said that would be fine; but, she would have to charge us more. She said it would probably be about a dollar more because the fries are more like a garnish. What? The fries are a garnish? Thank God, we can afford to pay the extra to get the healthier food for our children; but, what about the families who cannot? They end up with fries! Trust me, I like fries; but, I do try to teach the children that they should eat healthier food. Okay back to our lunch. Fine...not a problem...charge me extra to feed my children a healthier side. I about fell over when I saw the salads they brought out for my two inky-dinky kiddos. They each received one that was the same size as my salad! I thought they would be the replacement "garnish" not an entire meal. (Quite the bargain for the extra money we paid; but, I still do not think they understood my point.) They could have saved themselves some food/money as I was certainly not expecting full size salads. Plus, they brought out way too much salad dressing. They brought out a small bowl for each of them; but, we probably only used 1/4 to 1/2 of one of them. That was for both kids total. I try not to complain too much. (I am not sure that Ron would agree with that statement. LOL!) I just could not get past the irony of seeing the obesity sign and thinking about restaurant servings. Our children are not going to eat healthy if we do not teach them how to do so! By the way, Veronica much preferred the salad over the mac-n-cheese. (Yippee!!!!) Stepping off my soapbox now...

1 comment:

  1. I agree. It's especially tough with Grant. My other two will eat very well in most restaurants preferring the taste of healthy food. But it is quite a challenge when you have a picky eater who doesn't try new things! We usually just say, "pick what you want, but no fries or chicken nuggets!"; that and the kids rarely ever get fast food!
