Emerson has definitely turned into a rough and tumble little boy. He loves wrestling around with any and all of his siblings. He will take them on in a heartbeat. This first picture is not a boo-boo received from a wrestling match though, but rather from a stumble over the step in our family room...at least, I think. He told me his toes hurt; but, he never mentioned his face. Later, I saw this scratch on his face. It is not too bad...just a mystery.

This "gash" in his head is from playing around with Sydney. They were rough housing and he stumbled and hit his head on part of the staircase.

I can only imagine what the future will bring. :) Ron and I always wonder which child will send us to the ER first. It appears that Emerson is definitely a contender for that.
Oh yeah! As the momma of 3 boys, I can surmise that sweet Emerson will be the one!!!! LOL!!! BOYS! Sigh! Hehe!