Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Emerson's Baptism

Last Sunday, December 12, Emerson John Shan _____ was baptized. It ended up being a private baptism. There were suppose to be two other families; but, they postponed due to the nasty weather. The ceremony was short and sweet. We had decided to not have a party afterwards. We just felt it was not fair to ask everyone to give up a couple more of the hours they are already lacking this time of the year. Plus, this was sort of a last minute decision to have him baptized this month. We felt it was important to do before his surgery on the 22nd.

It all worked out in the end; but, there was a moment of panic on my part. We had decided to not take our camera. After all, we would be standing up there and would not exactly be able to take pictures. Plus, we usually always have a gazillion cameras flashing at family events. Everyone likes to take pictures. Guess what, we were not the only ones to leave our cameras at home! Thank God, my father-in-law did have his and was able to take some pictures and our niece was kind enough to take pictures with her cell phone (What did we do before those things?!). So, thank you to both of them for "saving the day". I thought for sure we were going to end up not having any pictures of our little fella's big day!!!!

Emerson did a great job. He was entertained with the missalette during the beginning of the ceremony. He thought it was quite funny when our deacon blessed him with the oils. When it came time for the Holy water, I thought I was going to have to go in the font too. He was not a huge fan of that; but, he really did not cry or anything. He just tried to get back into an upright position. Afterwards, he touched his hair/head like "What just happened?" It was quite cute. Emerson looked absolutely adorable in the Chinese outfit that we bought specifically for his baptism while we were in China.

Thank you to Tom and Jenny for agreeing to be Emerson's godparents and thank you to Janet for standing in during Jenny's absence. Thank you to all our loved ones who joined us for the ceremony despite the yucky weather. You are all very special to us!

I am not going in there! Must get back up!

What just happened?!

How many more pictures do we have to smile for?

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