Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Candy Land:Veronica::morning coffee:parents

Seriously, Veronica is addicted to the game. I am considering contacting a state official to see if we can name June "The month of Candy Land". The first thing she wants to do in the morning after watching her morning show is play the game. The most popular phrase coming out of her mouth these days is "Do you want to play Candy Land?" Now, don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the game and the quality time together and as a teacher I see the benefits. However, we have played the game so much lately that I am afraid that I am going to start having nightmares about Plumpy! Ha! :)

The title is written in this analogy form for Max's sake. Some of his summer homework consists of figuring out analogies. So, I did it that way for him. :)

May your day consist of "Rainbow Trails" and "Candy Castles"! Oops, I mean, may you have many happy surprises and meet all your goals for today. :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Max's first ever blog post of his own...

Hi,my name is Max.My favorite movies are Percy Jackson and Star Wars The Clone Wars. I can draw Captain Rex and Commander Cody from star wars. My favorite subject in school is science. My favorite food is ice cream. My favorite Lego figure is my Commander Cody figure.(It's not Commander Cody.I just like calling him that.)When I grow up I want to be a military pilot. Here are my pictures I've drawn of Captain Rex and Commander Cody.

Our morning- all before 10:30 a.m.

This morning, we...

played on the swing set,

climbed trees, (Can you find two kiddos?),

discovered a birds' nest,

got pictures of some of "our" frogs, (There are four in this picture. Do you see them?)

took pictures by the trees so we can watch them and the kiddos grow over the years,

practiced riding with only two wheels,

checked out bugs,

played frisbee,

chewed on sticks, (Okay, only one of us did this. Hee, hee!)

ate popscicles,

made pictures with sidewalk chalk,

made "Do not cross!" signs with the chalk,

made a colorful castle with the chalk,

squished Bubba,

and cried when it was realized that the coffee cup was empty. (Okay, only one of us did this too. Can you guess which one? Hee, hee!)
Hope you had a great morning too!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sydney's first tooth

They did it! Ron and Sydney finally got that stubborn tooth out of her mouth in the nick of time. Sydney had this shark look going on for a little while. She had a big tooth growing up behind her baby teeth. At her dental appointment last week, she was told that her baby tooth needed to come out or they would pull it this week at her appointment. Yes, she had another appointment. Fun summer, huh? :) When one tooth was coming in, it developed a small pocket which they were afraid would cause a cavity later on. They just wanted to fill it in and then put sealants on others. So, back to the original story, the idea of having to have the dentist pull the tooth was a tad worrisome to her since she was unsure as to how they would do it. (On a side note, her big brother did not help calm her very much in this area!) Sydney was so brave and let her dad pull it instead. They worked and worked on it Tuesday evening. She was so sweet because she did not want to scream as Veronica was already asleep. In her words, she just let out a few "eeks". :) She did such an amazing job and we are very proud of her! I know you want to see pictures. Hee, hee.

the spot and the big tooth

getting ready for the Tooth Fairy

$2.00 Yippee!!!!

Sydney, congratulations!!!! You are such a big girl!!!! We love you!!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wordless Wednesday-oldies but goodies

An Orphan's Wish

Hi, Everyone!

I am going to ask a favor of you and it does not even cost you a penny! It will only cost you a moment of your time. Fellow blogger, Stephanie, is celebrating her 1000th post on her blog. If you click here and post a comment (easy, easy), she will donate one dollar to the organization "An Orphan's Wish". Every comment equals one dollar to help special needs orphans in China. It is so simple; yet, it will help so many! Please take a moment to visit her blog and leave a comment or two.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

We decided that we would not buy gifts this year for Mother's Day or Father's Day. As you know we are saving up for a big trip. :) So, the kids and I thought we would take a moment to brag about Ron on our blog just as a reminder to him how much he means to each one of us. (I had each child tell me away from the others what they wanted to say.)

Julie- Happy Father's Day! You are a wonderful husband and father. I cannot imagine my life without you. You are proof that "Dreams do come true!" You are an amazing person...caring, loving, hard-working, dedicated, so darn intelligent and much, much more. THANK YOU for all that you have done for all of us!

Max- "He is really nice. It is fun geocaching with him. It is fun playing games with him. I like how he helps me with Cub Scout stuff. I liked doing putt-putt with him that one time. It is fun when he makes us pull weeds...NOT!"

Sydney- "I love him. He is the best that I could ever have. I love him so much and I know he loves me too."

Veronica- "We love you. We love you so much."

Lil' Bubba- "Wo Ai Ni and xiexie!" (Okay, Julie is improvising here since unfortunately Lil' Bubba is not home yet. Translated..."I love you and thank you!")

Enzo- "I meow you, too! Now, go feed me."

Zeus- "I ruv you! Do you ruv me?"

Happy Father's Day to all dads out there!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Water fun

Oh, I could not help but take a ton of pictures. The kiddos had so much fun playing in the toddler pool today. It cracked me up. Hope the pictures make you smile too!

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Happy Father's Day

We decided that we would not buy gifts this year for Mother's Day or Father's Day. As you know we are saving up for a big trip. :) So, the kids and I thought we would take a moment to brag about Ron on our blog just as a reminder to him how much he means to each one of us. (I had each child tell me away from the others what they wanted to say.)

Julie- Happy Father's Day! You are a wonderful husband and father. I cannot imagine my life without you. You are proof that "Dreams do come true!" You are an amazing person...caring, loving, hard-working, dedicated, so darn intelligent and much, much more. THANK YOU for all that you have done for all of us!

Max- "He is really nice. It is fun geocaching with him. It is fun playing games with him. I like how he helps me with Cub Scout stuff. I liked doing putt-putt with him that one time. It is fun when he makes us pull weeds...NOT!"

Sydney- "I love him. He is the best that I could ever have. I love him so much and I know he loves me too."

Veronica- "We love you. We love you so much."

Lil' Bubba- "Wo Ai Ni and xiexie!" (Okay, Julie is improvising here since unfortunately Lil' Bubba is not home yet. Translated..."I love you and thank you!")

Enzo- "I meow you, too! Now, go feed me."

Zeus- "I ruv you! Do you ruv me?"

Happy Father's Day to all dads out there!