Friday, February 5, 2010

Dossier is in the air!

Another incremental milestone has been reached as we received word from our agency to send our dossier to them for processing. They'll send it for translation and then on to China to the CCAA to be logged in! We're sure all of you are wondering just what this dossier looks like so we took a picture before we dropped it in the FedEx Pak this morning.

Keep in mind that each stack of papers has at least 3 papers and many have more as we have the original document, a county and state certification (those are all of the ones with the gold circle on them) and then each stack has a

sticker of authentication from the Chinese consulate. Some documents went to the US State Department while others went to the California Secretary of State. We also had to include a copy of our passport photos, extra pictures, pictures of our house, family and of us doing stuff together, etc. Finally, a copy of each of these documents was mailed to our agency as well. We were surprised that the FedEx envelope was only 1lb 11.2oz. It felt a lot heaver for 9+ months of documentation collection.

The kids all received their first H1N1 and Hep A shots yesterday and apparently put on a very dramatic scene. Poor Julie and the nurse - people must have thought they were being skinned alive I hear. The best I could do was bring Indian home for dinner. Is it a coincidence that we had Indian and then get the good news about our dossier? I think not. :)

We're really rolling now and have a lot more to do but now the goal seems so much closer! Have a good weekend. We are supposed to be getting a lot of snow, so that should be exciting.


  1. Julie ~

    Congrats on being DTC!!! Wahoooo!!! I can't follow along your journey as you bring you little boy home!!! Praying for speedy LOA:)

  2. What a good feeling it must be to have your dossier sent off. I wish you all the best in this journey.

  3. Congratulations ! I love the name of your BLOG !
