Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Best Mom Award

I most likely (okay, definitely) will not get the title of "Best Mom" for the year; but, I will take it for the day. :) I am happy with that. Veronica told me twice, "You're the best mom I ever had!" I am not sure how many she thinks she has had; but, again, I will take it. :) I love it! The first time was because I let her wear a skirt to school. I did not realize I had told her no at some point unless of course it was during the bitter cold days. The second time was because I let her wear her Minnie Mouse jelly shoes. She has been wanting to wear these shoes for some time now. Keep in mind here that the weather has been freezing, snowy, and totally not jelly shoe weather. Also, the last several times she wore them, she complained about her feet hurting. She told me they do not now. That was before I even agreed to let her wear them today. Should I be disqualified for the "Best Mom Award" or win it because I knew she would only be wearing them in the car on the way to pick up Max and Sydney from school? There was minimal walking involved...to the car and to the house. Hee, hee! We both won. She got to wear the "forbidden" shoes and I did not have to hear how they hurt her feet.

Tonight, I heard "You're the best mommy in the whole wide world" from Sydney! You know why? I had bought her celery to go with the hummus that we had gotten. Can you believe that?! That just warms this vegetarian mama's heart!!!! :) To top it all off, I actually agreed to let her take a cookie for lunch tomorrow. That is a big deal as I usually do not allow them to take sweets to school.

Wow...I am on a roll today. Unfortunately, everyone is in bed and tomorrow is another day. I bet I will lose my title. :) Oh, well...some other mommy out there needs to hear that she is the best mom...even if it is only for the day.

By the way, thank you to those who gave suggestions for my last post. I appreciate all the input!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! It always brightens a mom's day to hear those words.
